Spiritual Relationship

In an attempt to introduce spirituality into our conversations, I sometimes ask my clients, “Do you spin this planet?” This usually opens up discussions about a higher power and how this might influence their day to day lives.


My new book, “An Inside-out Revelation” explores two routes to spiritual enlightenment.


If you’re ready to deepen your relationship with your God, I have a real passion for helping ordinary people enter deep and meaningful relationships with divine, supernatural possibilities.

C S Lewis. is author of “The Chronicles of Narnia”

I’m. not concerned whether you follow Jesus or you think the universe is god, I will help you find your truth and when you do, it will change your life


Claire’s Story

To be completed.

Russell’s Story

To be completed.

“Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind” Romans 12:2, New Testament


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