The secret to using Mind creatively

Psychology has changed. There’s been a paradigm shift. Here’s an example of a paradigm shift. It was once thought that the Earth was flat but when it was found to be a globe flat earth was never an option. Well in psychology we thought life was something happening to us. The paradigm shift is that we’ve discovered that our experience of life is being created from one moment to the next from within our mind. This mind is so much more than we had ever realised before. We are no longer products of our circumstances, our past, our upbringing or our culture and education. We just think we are. With this new understanding of the way mind works with the creative power of thought, we are free to create a new experience every moment. This is evolution and it’s extremely liberating, creative and fun.

The secret to using mind creatively


“An Inside-out Revelation” is finally published!


Living with an Unruly Mind: Is your mind tugging at your coat sleeve?